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Prior to July 1, 2012 concurrent jurisdiction existed in Virginia. This meant that a Longshoreman or Shipyard worker potentially had the ability to be covered by both the Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act (hereafter “Longshore Act”) and the Virginia Workers Compensation Act (hereafter “Virginia Act”). Many people mistakenly believed this meant an injured worker could obtain a “double recovery” by obtaining benefits under both Acts. That belief was wrong. However, what the injured worker could do was choose which statute provided the injured worker with the best benefits so that the worker could obtain the best medical care and support the family.Â
The below are some of the benefits an injured worker lost when concurrent jurisdiction was taken away:
PEPCO: Under the Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act, the Supreme Court decision Potomac Electric Power Company v. Director, Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs, 499 U.S. 268 (1980), determined that an individual with a permanent disability to an extremity covered by the rating schedule of benefits, was only entitled to the rating payments and could not receive any lost wage benefits even if they were permanently unable to return to their preinjury jobs. This draconian provision does not exit under the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Act. Therefore, prior to 2012, a Shipyard worker who fell into this category could obtain benefits under the State Act instead. Post 2012 the same Shipyard worker is out of a job with no way of feeding his family.Â
RATINGS: Both Acts provide for disability ratings to be paid for loss of use of the arms, hands, legs, feet, eyes and ears. However, under the Longshore Act, the injury must actually occur to the above listed body parts. However, under the Virginia Act, if the injury is to a different body part, but effects the above listed body parts, a rating can be paid.Â
For instance, the physical labor performed by Longshoremen and Shipyard Workers commonly causes rotator cuff tears. This injury is to the shoulder, but often results in limitation in the use of the arm, especially lifting the arm above shoulder level. Under the Virginia Act, the injured worker can recover for loss of the use of the arm. Under the Longshore Act, the injured workers recovers nothing.Â
FUNERAL EXPENSES: The cap for funeral expenses under the Virginia Act is $10,000. Under the Longshore Act, the cap is $3,000. It is impossible for a spouse to say goodbye to their loved one for $3,000.
MEDICAL TREATMENT: The Longshore Act has a draconian medical fee schedule. Effective July 1, 2012 one of the biggest orthopedic practices in Hampton Roads stopped taking patients who come under the Longshore Act since they could no longer seek higher payment under the Virginia Act (Virginia adopted a fee schedule effective January 1, 2019, but the amounts paid to medical providers is still higher than what is paid under the Longshore Act).
Many other medical practices have followed the lead of the orthopedic practice. In fact, it is almost impossible to find a neurologist in the Hampton Roads area who is willing to take a Longshore Workers Compensation patient.Â
This leaves workers injured on the waterfront with less options for medical care and potentially accepting inferior medical care.Â
Clearly, concurrent jurisdiction never provided an injured worker with a double recovery. Instead it is clear that concurrent jurisdiction provided the injured worker with better options from medical care, the ability for distraught families to bury their loved ones without concern for the cost, and allow injured workers to be compensated to permanent loss of body parts.
Written By Jon Montagna
Jon Montagna received a Bachelor of Arts in Literature from American University in Washington D.C. and graduated Cum Laude from the University of Miami School of Law in 1999. Jon practices law in the Hampton Roads, Virginia, area, focusing on personal injury, family law, workers’ compensation, and more. Jon Montagna focuses on serving and achieving favorable results for his clients.
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