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Serving Hampton Roads Virginia
Hearing Loss
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Virginia Hearing Loss Claims & Attorney

Recovering for Hearing Loss Claims under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act

If you have lost or seriously damaged your hearing due to the conditions of your maritime work, call the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act attorneys of Montagna Law to discuss your rights to compensation.

The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, commonly referred to as the “Longshore Act” or “LHWCA” is a federal statute that provides medical benefits and compensation for longshore workers injured on rivers, dry docks, wharfs, docks, piers, harbors,or barges.

We service Hampton Roads, Virginia, Morehead City & Wilmington, North Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina, Savannah, Georgia, and Jacksonville, Florida.

The LHWCA provides hearing impaired harbor workers with applicable medical treatment, including payment for hearing aids by the employer throughout the rest of the harbor worker’s life.

To file a claim, you must produce an audiogram which measures and explains your hearing loss, and give notice of your injury to your last maritime employer within 30 days of when you receive a copy of your audiogram.

Have You Been Injured?
View all of our workers’ compensation practice areas.

Contact a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

For a free consultation to discuss your Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act hearing loss claim, contact the lawyers of Montagna Law at 877-622-8100. Additional time and technical restrictions apply. Make sure you receive what you are entitled to.

Written By Jon Montagna


Jon Montagna received a Bachelor of Arts in Literature from American University in Washington D.C. and graduated Cum Laude from the University of Miami School of Law in 1999. Jon practices law in the Hampton Roads, Virginia, area, focusing on personal injury, family law, workers’ compensation, and more. Jon Montagna focuses on serving and achieving favorable results for his clients.

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